International representation

Maramures county is member of the following organisations

EUROMONTANA - European Association of Mountain Areas

Maramureș County joined the Euromontana – European Association of Mountain Areas in July 2021.

Euromontana is the voice of European mountains and a multi-stakeholder network for sustainable development and quality of life in the mountains. Mountain areas cover 36% of Europe's territory and comprise 13% of the European Union's population. Euromontana is the voice of these mountain communities across Europe. Euromontana's mission is to unite mountain stakeholders and advocate for policies that better address their challenges. We promote sustainable mountain development, a better quality of life for local communities, and the protection of the unique and sensitive environment of the mountains.

Euromontana has established its actions to:
  1. Connecting mountain communities
  2. Advocating for sustainable mountain development
  3. Developing projects for the mountains

Maramures County has been voted in the General Assembly held in October 2024 for a position on the Board of Directors of Euromontana association.

More details here:

Association of European Border Regions (AEBR)

Maramureș County has joined the Association of European Border Regions (AEBR) in November 2020. The organisation was founded in 1971 by the first border regions which had started cross-border cooperation in Europe after the Second World War, strengthening the integration of citizens across national boundaries. Today it counts some 100 members from the European Union and its neighbouring countries.

Assembly of European Regions (ARE)

Our county is an active member of this organisation since 1997, altogether with 300 European regions. One of its largest scale event has been represented by the AER Summer Academy, and the 2006 and 2018 editions were hosted by Maramureș county. Over the years, our county was actively involved in several AER projects like CENTURIO financed under INTERREG III C Program, and managed to be reward for having the most successful promotion campaign.
euroregiunea carpatica

Carpathian Euroregion

The Carpathian Euroregion (CE) is an international association in Central and Eastern Europe, established on 14th February 1997 as a reunion of cross-border regions from Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Ukraine and Romania. It covers a surface of 145.000 km2 and a population of 14.2 million inhabitants. Romania is represented by the counties of: Satu Mare, Sălaj, Botoşani, Harghita and Maramureş, while the Secretariat for the Romanian part is located in Maramureş. Between 2002-2004 the presidency of the organisation was ensured by our county.


FEDARENE (European Federation of Regional Agency for Energy and Environment) is the main European network of regional organizations that are concerned with the implementation, coordination and promoting of energy and environment policies.

Maramureş county has joined this initiative in 2007, assuming a declaration for supporting the renewable energy and energy efficiency.
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