Maramureș County Council

Maramureș County Council is the authority of local public administration in Romania, constituted at Maramureș County level. Administratively, the territory of Romania is divided into 41 counties and the city of Bucharest.
The role of Maramureș County Council is to coordinate the activity of 76 local councils of Maramureș County (2 municipalities, 11 towns and 63 communes), in order to accomplish the public services of county interest.
Our institution ensures at Maramureș county level that public services are provided for: education, social services, health, culture, youth, sports, public order, natural disasters, environment, protection of historical patrimony and architecture, persons record, public roads, public utilities, tourism, rural development, economic development and other public services, according the law.
The attributions of Maramureș County Council are: a) establishment, organization and functioning of the specialized structures within county council, public institutions of county interest and companies for utilities of county interest; b) economic and social development of Maramureș county; c) administration of the county’s public and private domain; d) management of public services of county interest; e) inter-institutional cooperation at internal and external level; f) other sectors provided by law.

1 president, 2 vice-presidents and 32 county councillors are the elected members of Maramureș County Council

Zetea Gabriel Valer
Zetea Gabriel ValerPRESIDENT
Mr. Zetea Gabriel Valer is the President of Maramureș County Council, elected in 2024, according to the law for the election of local public administration authorities in Romania.
Duruș Vlad-Emanuel
Duruș Vlad-EmanuelVICE-PRESIDENT


Mr. Duruș Vlad-Emanuel and Mr. __________________ are the Vice-presidents of Maramureș County Council, elected by and from the 34 councillors of Maramureș County Council.
The county councillors work within the following Speciality Committees:
  1. Committee for budget-finance
  2. Committee for development, international relations and tourism:
  3. Committee for urbanism, territorial planning and heritage:
  4. Committee for youth activities and sport:
  5. Committee for health, work and social assistance
  6. Committee for education, culture and religious affairs
  7. Committee for legal aspects, public administration and integrity



Public services



Economic Operators

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